

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Day 23rd

Calendar- the special helpers put up the date, counts down to 100 days of school, and tells us what the weather is like today.

UOI with language focus- Today we began working on our spelling words of the week. We completed our spelling work out. Here we practised learning the meanings of the words, rhyming words and putting words into sentences.

Music -Visit:

Agenda -  
  • UOI summative due tomorrow
  • spelling sentences due Friday

  • spelling test Friday
  • movie form from parent guild due Friday
  • ROM trip forms
  • cursive books page 38 

Gym - visit:

Math - 
Today we worked on showing more and less using a five frame. For example 7 is 2 more than 5. So one dot in each five frame and two on the outside. We discussed how you would know if a number is more than 5 (dots outside of the frame) or less than five (the frame not filled up) We practiced this on the board.


Today we worked on our summative assessments and even tried some of them out to make sure they work out!

Daily 5 

Today we learned about our story comprehension sticks. Each stick has a instruction for us to listen for in the story.
Key details
Learner Profile

We read a story I was so mad by mercer mayer. Students had to listen to remember their parts and re-tell them at the end of the story. Students really enjoyed it and we will try again tomorrow.

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