

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Day 35

Calendar- the special helpers put up the date, counts down to 100 days of school, and tells us what the weather is like today.

UOI with language focus- 
Today we wrote a journal entry about our trip to the ROM. We wrote about things we learned and saw.

Music -Visit:

Agenda - 
  • cursive books page 49-52
  • bring back recorders
  • casual day tomorrow
  • Art reach payment and forms 
  • After care payments due 
  • spelling sentences due tomorrow
  • spelling test 
Gym - visit:

Math - 
Today we started or new unit on time, temperature, and money. Students completed their pre-assessment to show me where they are in their learning. We then worked on sequencing events in time order.

Today we looked at pictures of dinosaurs and placed them in a chart of Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous periods. If you notice on our chart we have no Triassic dinosaurs. Students who are able to tell me a Triassic dinosaur tomorrow will receive 300 house points!

Daily Five
Word work 
work on writing
read to someone
read to self 
listen to reading 

We added new work to our daily five activities including work on nouns and verbs. Fall sentence writing. Rhyming words. Proper grammar and word sequencing.

French -  visit:

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