

Friday, May 31, 2019

May 31

Inquiry into Math 
Students continued learning how to find perimeter. We learned perimeter means finding the distance around the outside of a shape/object and how to write the formula.


  • Spelling test Monday
  • Writing test Monday
  • Raptors Day Wednesday
  • Zoo trip Friday be at school for 8:15
  • Math homework due Mon. 

Inquiry into Endangered Animals 

Students continued presenting their summative assessments

Fractured Art

Thursday, May 30, 2019

May 30

This morning we had a presentation from the Grade 6 class about Internet Safety 

Inquiry into Language 

Today students finished pre-paring for their upcoming Ontario Writing Assessment. We reviewed what things are needed to write a persuasive piece and added what we felt was missing. Once completed we brought it to Ms. Hughes for final edits.

Inquiry into Math 
Students learned how to find perimeter. We learned perimeter means finding the distance around the outside of a shape/object.

  • Raz Kids
  • Spelling test Fri. 
  • Spelling paragraph due
  • Math test next Thursday
  • Toronto Zoo trip and payment due
  • Knowledge Hook 


Inquiry into Endangered Animals 
Today we finished our summative assessments and began presenting.

Today we continued to work on our fractured art piece of an endangered animal. All of us are done sketching and we have moved on to water colour painting.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

May 29

Inquiry into Language 

Today students continued pre-paring for their upcoming Ontario Writing Assessment. We reviewed what things are needed to write a persuasive piece and added what we felt was missing.

We then reviewed our brainstorm and added if we felt anything was missing.

Lastly we began to write our persuasive advertisement using a chart we made as a class

Inquiry into Math 
Students learned about the kilometre today. We learned that the KM is 1000 metres. We practiced being able to gage the length of a KM and several different distances of a KM. We then practiced in our work books.


  • Raz Kids
  • Spelling test Fri. 
  • Spelling paragraph due
  • Math test next Thursday
  • Toronto Zoo trip and payment due
  • Knowledge Hook 


Inquiry into Endangered Animals 
Today we continued our summative assessments. We took our research and transferred it to our templates to display on our boards/brochures.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

May 28

Inquiry into Language 

Today students began pre-paring for their upcoming Ontario Writing Assessment. We reviewed what things are needed to write a persuasive piece.

Then we listened to some examples of a level 1/2 and a level 3/4

Then we began brainstorming and practicing for our writing piece

Inquiry into Math 
Students learned about the metre today. We learned that the metre is 100cm long. We practiced being able to gage the length of a metre and several different sizes of a metre. We then practiced being able to see different metre lengths in groups with our metre sticks.

  • Raz Kids
  • Spelling test Fri. 
  • Math test next Thursday
  • Toronto Zoo trip and payment due 
  • Casual day tomorrow. 
  • Bake Sale Tues. and Weds. 


Inquiry into Endangered Animals 
Today we continued our summative assessments. We took our research and transferred it to our templates to display on our boards/brochures.