

Friday, February 28, 2020

Feb 28


Inquiry into Language 

Students completed their spelling test for the words of the week.

Jump Rope for Heart 

Students continued to learn how to tell time on analog and digital clocks to the nearest 5-minute mark 
We talked about how to properly read a clock – go around by 5’s – 5 minute intervals from one number to the next
Small hand – hour - uses the numbers on the inside of the clock (if the small hand is pointing in the middle of two numbers it is always the smaller number) Big hand – minute – uses the 5’s on the outside of the clock
We also used clock manipulatives to help us. Students then completed a practice page:


  • Forms have been sent home regarding SJA’s awesome Adventure Camp. The wonderful camp will run from Monday to Friday both weeks of the March Break (March 9-13 & March 16-20) and is offered to student from JK to Grade 6. Field trips will take place on Thursday afternoons. Meal plans are also included if you chose to do so. Cash or QuickBooks payments only please. Don’t delay; register today!
  • Summative package home - Don't forget to bring it back on Monday as it has their planning page in it! Students to gather materials and complete written portion - I will also bring in some materials from home 

Library -

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Feb 27

Inquiry into Language 

Students were given the pre- assessment for our next OWA. Students will be learning about persuasive writing and advertisements for our final writing assessment. Today's writing was used to assess each student's prior knowledge of persuasive advertising.

Inquiry into Simple Machines 
students listened to this story

Students then were told they were going to design their own Leprechaun traps (containing one simple machine) in class next week! They drew the diagram of their trap and labelled it with the pieces they need. They then made a list of materials they will need to begin constructing their trap on Monday

Our example 

Students learned how to tell time on analog and digital clocks to the nearest 5-minute mark 
We talked about how to properly read a clock – go around by 5’s – 5 minute intervals from one number to the next
Small hand – hour - uses the numbers on the inside of the clock (if the small hand is pointing in the middle of two numbers it is always the smaller number) Big hand – minute – uses the 5’s on the outside of the clock
We also used clock manipulatives to help us. Students then completed pages 114-115 in their workbooks. If they did not finish due to reading buddies, it is homework for tonight. 

  • Forms have been sent home regarding SJA’s awesome Adventure Camp. The wonderful camp will run from Monday to Friday both weeks of the March Break (March 9-13 & March 16-20) and is offered to student from JK to Grade 6. Field trips will take place on Thursday afternoons. Meal plans are also included if you chose to do so. Cash or QuickBooks payments only please. Don’t delay; register today!
  • Summative package home tomorrow
  • Spelling test tomorrow
  • Spelling story due tomorrow
Spelling Homework due on Friday
Create a story using your spelling words!!

0  Choose 8 of your spelling words
0  decide if your story will be fiction or non-fiction
0  write an introduction (Once upon a time, In a land far away, One day. . .)
0  write the body of your story (remember to use sentence starters)
0  write a conclusion (finally, lastly, in the end, in conclusion . . .)
o   Proofread your work time!!!!
0  did you use capitals?
0  do you have periods/exclamation marks/question marks?
0  did you circle your 8 words? 
Bonus – Draw a picture!
