

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Day 88

UOI with language focus

Today we began our second novel study Chocolate Touch. We looked at the cover page, read the back and made predictions for what we think the story might be about.  Then we read chapter one. We learned about John Midas and how he sometimes breaks the rules, has a sister named Mary, he liked to climb trees, he liked school, he is learning to play the trumpet,  and his LOVE for all things candy and chocolate.

John had spots on his nose so he had to go visit Dr. Cranium who said he was eating too much candy/chocolate. John's dad tries to convince him that there is a time and place for everything, including chocolate. His dad even tells him that eating so much chocolate makes his mother sad. John doesn't believe him.

Agenda - 

  • Spelling sentences due Thursday
  • Spelling test Friday
  • It is hard to believe, but the time is here already – re-registration is upon us! Re-registrations forms have been sent home. The deadline to re-register is February 9. After that we open up spaces to the public.
  • Math test Next Weds. 
  • Poems home tomorrow 
  • March Break camp registration open
Gym - visit:

Math - 
Students have been working very hard learning about data management. Students have learned how to collect and tally data by asking questions, they have learned how to record data, they have then learned how to place it on a bar or pictograph. Students have also begun learning how to read the results from Data in a chart and on a graph.

Students today worked on organizing and creating their own graphs. 

Inquiry into Inventions/Inventors
Today we learned about how inventions happen. We learned that almost all the time it takes more then one try (sometimes several) to get an invention just right. We watched a fun science video about inventions and inventors. 

We ended our day with a house game and awards assembly, this month's award was risk taker! Congratulations to Lizzie who is our award winner!

Monday, January 30, 2017

Day 87

UOI with language focus-

Music -

Agenda - 

  • Spelling sentences due Thursday
  • Spelling test Friday
  • It is hard to believe, but the time is here already – re-registration is upon us! Re-registrations forms have been sent home. The deadline to re-register is February 9. After that we open up spaces to the public.
  • Math test Next Weds. 
Gym - visit:

Math - 
Students have been working very hard learning about data management. Students have learned how to collect and tally data by asking questions, they have learned how to record data, they have then learned how to place it on a bar or pictograph. Students have also begun learning how to read the results from Data in a chart and on a graph.

Students today worked on creating stories with words and pictures 

Inquiry into Inventions/Inventors
Today we learned about what an Invention and Inventor is. We then brainstormed words we know in relation to our Unit.

Daily Five
Word work 
work on writing
read to someone
read to self 
listen to reading

From Last Week 

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

year ahead day!

What a wonderful day we had in grade one!

We started our day with

Language - students learned what an adjective was ( a describing word) students then drew a self portrait and labelled it with adjectives!

UOI - We talked about organization and the importance to organize! Students talked about their refrigerators at home and what foods they find in them. I then asked the students what would happen if they were really hungry and wanted an apple. How do they know where to find it?What if everything was just thrown in their fridge? Students then organized a fridge with four shelves based on Fruits, Veggies, Meat and Drinks.

Math - We talked about data management. Students were given skittles and asked to sort their data (skittles) based on their colour. Once they were sorted students then put their data into a bar graph. Once students completed the bar graph they then answered questions asked about their graphs. FINALLY students got to EAT their data, YUMMY!!

Gym - visit:



  • lunch orders due by Friday 8pm
  • Re-registration due 

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Day 82-83

 SJA is excited to announce that Year Ahead Day is happening again this year!  All SJA PYP students will be participating in this exciting event  Tomorrow!   Year Ahead Day is a fun and interactive day for the students at SJA to spend a day in the class of the grade level ahead of them (example: SK students spend their day as Grade 1 students, Grade 6 students spend their day as Grade 7 students, etc.).  This is a great way for the students at SJA to get a glimpse into their future life at SJA!  Students can get to know the teachers, see their future classroom, and take part in activities they will be participating in next year. Please know that the teacher that is assigned for your child does not mean this will be your child's classroom teacher next year. 

Dear Parents/Guardians,

  SJA is excited to announce that our lunch ordering system has now been upgraded!
Beginning today you will place all lunch orders on-line. The ordering system is more simplified and easy to navigate.
Below are the instructions on how to order and how to pay:
2.     Click on the link Don't have an account? Register and register your child based on your email address, their grade, and classroom teacher name. (you can register more than one child by using separate emails)
3.     Verify your email account through the email sent
4.     Log-in and look for the tab manage lunch on the top left of the page
5.     Select add new lunch form
6.     Select student name and payment method
7.     Check off the boxes for your selections for each day
8.     Press save
9.     The program will then take you to a screen that will give you the total you owe for the month
10.  Please place amount owing (in agenda) in a zip lock bag clearly labelled with student first and last name as well as teacher name.
We recognize the process is new and may be confusing so we appreciate your understanding in this matter. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the ordering process, please do not hesitate to contact Ms. Smith at to set up an appointment time to assist you in the ordering process.

******Please place all orders by January 27Th 2017. Please keep in mind that after this date no orders can be accepted as the site will close until the new month. We will send reminders and blog posts to ensure you do not miss the deadline.  ******

UOI with language focus-

Students were told they woke up this morning looked out their window and saw everything was frozen! As a class we brainstormed ideas of what we could do. Then as a class we wrote our introduction sentence. Students were then instructed to write sentences starting with First I, Then I, Next I, Lastly I. 

Students were told they woke up this morning looked out their window and saw They were on a Tropical Island! As a class we brainstormed ideas of what we could do. Then as a class we wrote our introduction sentence. Students were then instructed to write sentences starting with First I, Then I, Next I, Lastly I. 

Music -

Agenda - 
  • Spelling sentences due Thursday
  • Spelling test Friday
  • It is hard to believe, but the time is here already – re-registration is upon us! Re-registrations forms have been sent home. The deadline to re-register is February 9. After that we open up spaces to the public.
  • Year Ahead Day will be taking place tomorrow. This allows grade 1 students to spend a day as a grade 2 student. Students always look forward to this day! 
  • Casual Day tomorrow 
  • bake sale tomorrow 
Gym - visit:

Math - 
Students have been working very hard learning about data management. Students have learned how to collect and tally data by asking questions, they have learned how to record data, they have then learned how to place it on a bar or pictograph. Students have also begun learning how to read the results from Data in a chart and on a graph.

Over the last two days students have been polling the classroom on their favourite lunch foods and placing the collected data onto a pictograph and a bar graph. Students then answered questions regarding their graphs. Questions using the words most and least.

Inquiry into Organization
We began and finished presenting our summative assessments.


Daily Five
Word work 
work on writing
read to someone
read to self 
listen to reading