Inquiry into Language
We talked about our upcoming writing test where we will write a explanation about a robot invented. Students were reminded of our Sparky the Dog assignment
We reviewed brainstorming and what we need to discuss in our writing
- What it looks like? (sometimes this may take up two bubbles)
- How does it work?
- What parts does it have and how do they function?
- What does it do/what is it used for?
- Two spare bubbles for any extra ideas we have about what parts does it have/what does it look like/how does it work
Together we constructed a level 4 introduction sentence and a level 4 concluding sentence. We talked about adding an adjective to our concluding sentence to get people excited about our invention!
Today students were told they had invented a new toy and would need to write an explanation about it!
Our introduction we came up with:
Today I am going to explain to you about the new toy I invented called_________.
Our conclusion we came up with:
Inquiry into Simple Machines
Due to our schedules being different from the other grade 2 class we found ourselves ahead. Today we took pause and worked on a challenge just for us called the slope and sled challenge! Students were put into pairs and told to create a sled to go down the slope (inclined plane) they were told they cannot put a wheel and axel on their sled. We will then race them down the slope tomorrow to see whose sled will go the farthest. Students were reminded of the surfaces their cars travelled down yesterday and which ones made their cars go the farthest.
Today students completed more review for our quiz tomorrow

- Forms have been sent home regarding SJA’s awesome Adventure Camp. The wonderful camp will run from Monday to Friday both weeks of the March Break (March 9-13 & March 16-20) and is offered to student from JK to Grade 6. Field trips will take place on Thursday afternoons. Meal plans are also included if you chose to do so. Cash or QuickBooks payments only please. Don’t delay; register today!
- pattern quiz (6 questions) tomorrow
- Bake sale tomorrow
- Pink shirt tomorrow
- Summative package home Friday
- Spelling test Friday
- Spelling story due Friday
- Spelling Homework due on FridayCreate a story using your spelling words!!0 Choose 8 of your spelling words0 decide if your story will be fiction or non-fiction0 write an introduction (Once upon a time, In a land far away, One day. . .)0 write the body of your story (remember to use sentence starters)0 write a conclusion (finally, lastly, in the end, in conclusion . . .)o Proofread your work time!!!!0 did you use capitals?0 do you have periods/exclamation marks/question marks?0 did you circle your 8 words?Bonus – Draw a picture!
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