

Thursday, June 1, 2017

June 1st

Habitat Summative 

Students today chose their animal they would like to create a diorama for. Over the weekend students will bring home a small research package to find out and record information on their presentation. Starting Tuesday students will begin to create the animal of their choice's habitat in a shoe box. 

That being said Mr. Foster and myself are looking for shoe boxes to complete this project. If you have any at home that you could donate, it would be greatly appreciated. 

Zoo Trip - As the Zoo employees remain on strike, we will be attending African Lion Safari on Monday, June. 5th. Our trip will include a drive through large Game Reserves, cruise aboard the “African Queen” boat, a Journey on the “Nature Boy” scenic railway and we will 
enjoy bird and animal presentations. 

The same agenda applies as we will be leaving St. Jude's at 8:50am and returning for 3-3:30pm. A small backpack should be brought that day containing a disposable lunch, sunscreen and a bottle of water. Students will be asked to wear their gym uniform this day and should dress according to the weather forecast.

June after care will be pay as you go and forms were sent home last week!

Our annual Art's Night is fast approaching! Please join us on Wednesday, June 7 at 7:00 PM. You may also join us at our dress rehearsal, which begins at 1:00 PM. Our theme this year is Music Through The Eras! You are in for a fantastic night of art, dance, and song! We are asking that students be at the school 6:30 to get ready. We will also be selling treats and baked goods, so get ready for what is sure to be a wonderful evening. A reminder that all students are expected to participate. If for some reason you cannot attend, please let me know as soon as possible. please keep practicing for arts night. We seem to forget the moves half way through the song!

Creature Quest and Math test tomorrow. 

We spent most of our day in Arts Night Rehearsals. 

We also reviewed for tomorrows LAST math test of the year!!!!!!!! 
We continued to work on our Flat Story. 

Agenda - 
  • Practice arts night  
  • Math test Fri.
  • Math review  due. - Mr. Foster and I just noticed there is a typo on our math review package. On the very last page question 15. letter d it should read There are 19 black ants. 11 RED ants come along. How many more black ants than red ants are there?
  • Summative research due Tuesday!!

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