

Monday, November 7, 2016

Day 42

Calendar- the special helpers put up the date, counts down to 100 days of school, and tells us what the weather is like today.

UOI with language focus-
today we practiced our new spelling words in our spelling workout book.

Reflection with

Agenda - 
  • cursive books pg 67-68
  • bring back recorders
  • spelling sentences 
  • christmas baskets 

Gym - visit:

Math - 
Today we continued the concept of time. We discussed things that would take longer and we learned about telling time to the hour and half hour. We discussed the big hand (minute) small hand (hour). We talked about morning, noon, and afternoon. We then practiced making times on our clocks and completing a worksheet.

today we presented our dinosaur that we researched in pairs. Students had to tell the dinosaur name, whether it was a carnivore, herbivore, omnivore, the period it lived in and 3 facts about it.

Daily Five
Word work 
work on writing
read to someone
read to self 
listen to reading 

French -  visit:

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