UOI with language focus- Today we had our weekly spelling test.
Music - http://mrolivermusicclass.blogspot.ca
Agenda -
- Spelling test Friday
- It is hard to believe, but the time is here already – re-registration is upon us! Re-registrations forms have been sent home. The deadline to re-register is February 9. After that we open up spaces to the public.
- Math test Next Weds.
- Poems home, please memorize with actions and expression
- March Break camp registration open forms in agenda
Gym - visit: http://mrhpypphysed.blogspot.ca
Inquiry into Inventions Students also were given a scenario where they needed to get from the classroom to the gym without walking or using their feet. They needed to come up with a form of transportation which would get them from point A to B that has not been invented.
Math- Today we went over collecting data using tallies and putting the data in a graph. We also went over how many more and how many less when comparing data. Students were given a review package to bring home over the weekend.
Daily Five
Word work
work on writing
read to someone
read to self
listen to reading
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