

Friday, December 23, 2016

International Day

Dear SJA Families,

As part of being an IB school we encourage students to demonstrate ‘International Mindedness’. At St. Jude’s Academy, we value the diversity of cultures and perspectives that exist in our local, national and global communities to enhance student learning.

This year, St. Jude’s Academy will be having our third annual International Mindedness Day on Friday, January 20th, 2017. This activity will involve JK – Gr. 6 classes and each class will be learning about one country. Students and teachers will inquire into the life and culture of citizens from that country.

Students will be researching many aspects of their country including:
Traditional music and dress
Artwork and dance
Cultural toys, games & sports
Products and exports
Interesting laws/policies
Rules and customs

Parents are welcome to visit on this day and doors will be open from 2:30pm to 3:15pm.
If you have any questions or would like to contribute cultural items, suggestions, etc., please contact your child’s homeroom teacher or Mrs. Padovan (

Thank you!

Mrs. Padovan

Last Day

Our trip to the Super Store 

I hope everyone has a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year!!

Holiday Homework
  • Over the holidays I would like students to read for 20 mins a day. 
  • Write 5 journal entries about their holiday experiences 
  • We are studying India for International Day
    • I am asking for help from parents to send in Flags/Items from India to help us decorate our booth and make traditional food to hand out at our booth.
Students are required to gather information and pictures on the following topics they are assigned:

Food          Traditional Dress      Flag            Leisure          Traditions        Music 

Aydan        Tayler                       Sebastian     Meekal          Quinntin         Anshi
Ana            Justin                       Jordan          Arya               Lizzie             Sahara 
Zia             Nathan                     Kashish        Ali                  Aryana 

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Day 72

Today we spent our morning rehearsing for the Christmas concert.

We then completed our math test. We also had gym and French.

Afterwards we did our afternoon performance!!!!! We did such a great job!

For the rest of the afternoon we completed fun Christmas activities with addition colour by number and word searches, ABC order of Santa's reindeer, and colouring nouns, verbs, and adjectives in a Christmas picture and putting the proper punctuation at the end of Christmas sentences.

I can't wait to see our performance tonight!!!!! See you all at 6:30 pm!

Students were sent home tonight with gifts from me!

Merry Christmas and Happy New year!

Day 71


Christmas PJS tomorrow
Christmas concert showings 12pm and 7pm - please drop students off in the classroom for 6:30.
- There will be an auction and goody sale

- Thursday please do not send a lunch as we will be heading to the super store where we will be making and creating our own lunch!

- 15 spelling sentences due Thursday (choose words from any this year) No spelling test.

Math test tomorrow.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Day 70

We spent a lot of time today pre-paring and practicing on stage for our Christmas concert! I think you will all be quite happy with how we sound!!!! I apologize as I feel  you are probably hearing the song in your sleep by now!

Our outfit for the concert
  • Christmas Jammies (or nightgown) 
  • Scarf/Gloves/Hat etc.
Calendar- the special helpers put up the date, counts down to 100 days of school, and tells us what the weather is like today.

UOI with language focus-
today we completed an activity about Rudolph. Students wrote a cinquain poem about Rudolph. This required students to use their past learned knowledge of nouns, adjectives, and verbs.

Agenda - 
  • Math test Weds. 
  • No spelling test this week
  • Skating trip due Weds. 
  • Christmas concert Weds. students to be in the classroom for 6:30 and then parents may head to the aduitorium to get a seat/grab a snack/bid on an auction basket!!!!! Concert starts at 7pm sharp!
  • Pick fifteen words from Sept. to now and write in sentences. 
Gym - visit:

Math - 
today students and I went through the review package and remember/taught each other all the parts.  Our math test is on Wednesday so you have until then to complete the review.

Inquiry into Organization


Daily Five
Word work 
work on writing
read to someone
read to self 
listen to reading

Our Yummy Pizza Party!!!! Thank you to everyone who helped sell!!!

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Please drop students off ready to go for 6:30 in our classroom!

We are the first performance so please be on time!

Friday, December 16, 2016

Day 69

We spent a lot of time today pre-paring and practicing on stage for our Christmas concert! I think you will all be quite happy with how we sound!!!! I apologize as I feel  you are probably hearing the song in your sleep by now!

Our outfit for the concert
  • Christmas Jammies (or nightgown) 
  • Scarf/Gloves/Hat etc.
Calendar- the special helpers put up the date, counts down to 100 days of school, and tells us what the weather is like today.

UOI with language focus-
today we completed our spelling test with review words from previous weeks. Spelling test books have been sent home in the agendas please sign test page and return for Monday.

Agenda - 
  • Pizza part Monday
  • Math test Weds. 
  • Practice Christmas song and actions
  • Skating trip due Weds. 
  • Christmas concert Weds. students to be in the classroom for 6:30 and then parents may head to the aduitorium to get a seat/grab a snack/bid on an auction basket!!!!! Concert starts at 7pm sharp!
Gym - visit:

Math - 
today students and I went through the review package and remember/taught each other all the parts. The review package is being sent home to complete over the weekend. Our math test is on Wednesday so you have until then to complete the review.

Inquiry into Organization
Yesterday Students were placed into groups they then had to go to another classroom and observe their organization. Once they came back to our classroom they compared similarities and differences between the classroom they visited and our own. Today students presented their findings from the different classes.


Daily Five
Word work 
work on writing
read to someone
read to self 
listen to reading

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Day 68

Our preparation for the Christmas concert is underway!!!!

Our outfit for the concert
  • Christmas Jammies (or nightgown) 
  • Scarf/Gloves/Hat etc.

Calendar- the special helpers put up the date, counts down to 100 days of school, and tells us what the weather is like today.

UOI with language focus-
Today we continued working on our Gingerbread cookie mini unit! We took our rough draft from yesterday ( First I will eat, Then I will eat, Next I will eat, Last I will eat) and put it into a good copy. We had a check list to ensure we had capitals, periods and adjectives in every sentence.

Agenda - 
  • Spelling test Friday - review words 
  • Math test Weds. 
  • Practice Christmas song and actions
  • spelling sentences due yesterday please return to be checked 
  • Permission form and payment for field trip due tomorrow.
Gym - visit:

Math - 
today students worked on solving multiple step word problems that involved both addition and subtraction. We completed one as a class then completed the on/off the bus exercise similar to the one we completed yesterday

Inquiry into Organization
Students were placed into groups they then had to go to another classroom and observe their organization. Once they came back to our classroom they compared similarities and differences between the classroom they visited and our own.


Daily Five
Word work 
work on writing
read to someone
read to self 
listen to reading

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Day 67

Our preparation for the Christmas concert is underway!!!!

Our outfit for the concert
  • Christmas Jammies (or nightgown) 
  • Scarf/Gloves/Hat etc.

Calendar- the special helpers put up the date, counts down to 100 days of school, and tells us what the weather is like today.

UOI with language focus-
Today we continued working on our Gingerbread cookie mini unit! We started with reviewing what adjectives we used to describe our gingerbread cookies yesterday. Next we looked at our colour code of how we would eat a gingerbread cookie!!! We then organized our bites into sentences using First, Then, Next and Last. Students were required to use one adjective to describe each body part.


Agenda - 
  • Spelling test Friday - review words 
  • Math test Weds. 
  • Practice Christmas song and actions
  • spelling sentences due
  • Permission form and payment for field trip due Friday.
Gym - visit:

Math - 
today students worked on solving multiple step word problems that involved both addition and subtraction. We completed one as a class then completed the on/off the bus exercise in our math makes sense books.

Inquiry into Organization
today students were given the task of organizing the classroom. We discussed how things in our classroom are already organized and we discussed more ways to organize. Students then decided that it is good to organize but if we do not know where things are put how can our organization be effective. We came up with a plan to label our items. Students were each given labels and asked to located/organize/label their items.


Daily Five
Word work 
work on writing
read to someone
read to self 
listen to reading