Inquiry into Language
Today we completed a speeches check in. We did not get to all the speeches today and will continue tomorrow. Please be sure to sign and return the speeches package. Below is a list of dates for the competition.
Speeches Schedule to follow
Date to Be Completed
Step 1 – Student will pick a story they would like to re-tell for their speech. Criteria for picking their book is to ensure it is a suitable topic for your age/grade/skill level.
Step 2 – Write the title, author, your name, and main parts (beginning, middle, end) of the story down in logical order remembering to include (character names, setting, problem, solution, key details.) Keep in mind that the re-tell can be no more than 5 minutes long and no less than 3 minutes long.
Step 3 – Begin to memorize your re-tell using the information you wrote down
o state title, author, your name
o ensure you are re-telling in logical order
January 9th, 2020
Step 4 – Re-tell is memorized and within the 3-5-minute time allowance
Step 5 – Begin to work on the originality of your re-tell. What we will be looking for is:
o no props
o animations/gestures (natural, unaffected, enhancing)
o voice – your words are effective and clear
Step 6 – Posture is relaxed, pleasant and confident
January 23rd, 2020
Step 7 – Grammar, pace, fluency, pronunciation, timing. What we will be looking for is:
o fluency of re-tell, is it easy to follow?
o is grammar used correctly?
o are you enunciating and using proper pronunciation during your re-tell?
o are you pacing yourself? Is your re-tell fluent, varied and not rushed?
o is your re-tell within the 3-5-minute time allowance?
January 29th and 30th , 2020
Our in-class competition will take place on February 3rd, 2020. Students in Ms. Coldwells’ class will be judged by Ms. Hughes and the students in Ms. Hughes’ class will be judged by Ms. Coldwells. The students will be judged based on the above steps. The top 3 from each Grade 2 classroom will move on to compete for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place on stage on February 6th, 2019.
Inquiry into Cultures
We continued working on our summative, they were given checklists to ensure all the information needed is there.
We continued working on our summative, they were given checklists to ensure all the information needed is there.
- Name of holiday
- date(s) holiday takes place on
- symbols that are important/represent the holiday (e.g. shamrock, heart, Christmas tree, flowers, etc.)
- decorations, colours, and artifacts used during the holiday
- food(s) that are made/consumed during this holiday
- games/activities/songs that people take part in during this holiday (e.g. a game like dreidel, advent calendar, egg hunt, etc.)
- something special done for someone else during this holiday (e.g. gift giving, good deed, kind act)
- meaning behind holiday, why is it being celebrated
Inquiry into Math
Today we discussed angles! Here is us making right angles, bigger than and less than right angles with our arms
We looked at shapes and their angles, please finish question 1 pg 57 math workbook for tomorrow
- Finish question 1 pg 57 math workbook for tomorrow
- Memorize speech and add actions - check in to continue tomorrow, sign and return check in package
- Spelling paragraph due tomorrow
- Spelling test tomorrow
- sign and return math test
- Wear red or tradition Chinese Dress on Friday!!!
- Bring back your re-registration packages for grade 3!
- To reserve your child’s 2020-2021 place at St. Jude’s Academy, complete and return your child’s re-registration forms and payment by FEB 18 AT 4 pm.
- Dear SJA Families, Just a reminder that the SJA re-registration process is underway. To reserve your child’s 2020-2021 place at St. Jude’s Academy, complete and return your child’s re-registration forms and payment to Reception by Tuesday, February 18, 2020 at 4:00 pm.
- Mr. Foster’s Farmers Market and Ms. Gandy’s Groceries
As part of their summative assessment the grade one classes have decided to open a market to complement their organization unit. The market will include fruits, vegetables, drinks and other healthy snacks. It will be held in rooms 12 and 18. The market will take place all day Thursday, January 23rdand Friday, January 24th. All profits made will be donated to the Ronald McDonald House.
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