

Friday, March 20, 2020

Online Learning

Dear grade 2 parents, 

First and foremost, we hope that you and your family are safe and healthy during this time. We want to let you know that we miss you all very much. We are very excited about taking this online learning journey with you and know that with your support to implement what we send out it will surely be a success! We understand how many of you are hesitant with the amount of screen time your child has in a day and we will try to limit it as much as possible. 

We want to make sure there is constant and consistent communication between us and that you have the ability to contact us when needed. During these 2 weeks, we will be available to talk to you via email and Bloomz from 9:00am-3:30pm. We will answer any questions you might have in regard to the daily activities posted on the blog and if need be scheduling a time for a conference call. Please be sure to visit the blog daily, by 9am as it will describe the learning goals, success criteria and activities for each day. On the blog you will find the planned language, math, unit of inquiry, French, music and gym activities. Alongside these posts an email will be sent every morning by 9am with the resources and activity sheets that will be needed for the day. If you do not have a printer answering the questions or completing the activity on a blank piece of paper is perfectly acceptable. If you do not have a printer the school can print and deliver the resources to you sometime early next week, please let us know by this Sunday evening at the latest.

Here is a list of some items you will need to complete activities 
·       crayons, pencil crayons, markers 
·       pencils 
·       erasers 
·       glue stick
·       scissors 
·       a journal/writing pad 
·       ruler 
·       construction paper 
·       white paper 
·       printer and ink 
·       device – tablet, chrome book, computer, phone etc. 
·       internet connection

Here is the time frame we suggest for each subject, please note student agency can take precedent here. If students feel like completing their language in the afternoon and their math in the morning, we welcome them having a say in their education. As long as learning is happening, the appropriate length of time is being spent and work is complete we don’t mind students changing the order of their day!

Ms. Hughes Schedule                                            

9:00 – 9:40

9:40 – 10:20
Unit of Inquiry

10:20 – 11:00
Music (Odd days) Daily 5/Reflection (even days) which to do will be stated on the blog

11:00 -11:30

11:30 – 12:00
Recess – fresh air/chores
12:00 – 12:30
12:30 – 1:10

1:10 – 1:35
Quiet time – puzzles, reading, chores, board games

1:40 – 2:00

2:00 – 2:20
Recess – fresh air/chores

2:20 – 3:10

3:10 – 3:30
Catch up – use this time to finish up incomplete work

Applications we will be using 

We ask that you please download the application called Knowledgehook. It is available on all platforms or you can access it via their website. Please be sure you are downloading the student app. We have already set up accounts for each student, you will just need to find your child’s name and create a password. We ask that you please also link your email to their account so that you can be notified in regard to your child’s progress, strengths and areas for improvement. The application will send you a report after the assess certain questions completed by your child. This way we can check for knowledge and understanding on the concepts we are learning. The easiest way to explain this is it is like RAZ kids but for math!!!


We are asking as a grade level that parents send in pictures of completed work in math, language and unit of inquiry, when requested on the blog, by 5:30pm for assessment and/or feedback. This will be done through the SeeSaw app
1. Open the Seesaw Class app on iOS or Android. Or go to on any computer in Chrome or Firefox browser.
2. Choose I’m a Student.
4. Pick your name

Ms. Hughes code                                             

RAZ Kids

All accounts have already been set up for students. Please contact us should you need the login information re-sent to you. Students will be assigned work on RAZ to complete during Daily 5/Reflection time or during quiet time please refer to the daily blog as assignments will be outlined there. 

A message from Ms. Vasconcelos 
Hello SJA families!

For the next two weeks, it is important that our students engage in physical education while learning from home. Physical education will provide your child with a break from their other homework, reengage their attention, and promote a healthy lifestyle.

Throughout the two weeks, please go to your homeroom teachers’ blog to find our daily PE activity. Most days, the students will have a YouTube link to follow and engage in. If you do not have internet access or a computer to use, please allow your child to get creative with their physical activity and use whatever materials or resources you have at home to allow them to be active. If you need assistance in coming up with an activity, please do not hesitate to contact me with the information provided below.

Students will be given an ‘Activity Log’ where they will be asked to write down the activity, they have done each day, and how long they spent doing that activity. The activities I have chosen are approximately 30 minutes long, which leaves your child with another 30 minutes to do whatever they would like. Examples include bike ride, going to the park, soccer in the backyard or basement, running up and down the stairs, water bottle bowling, etc. The goal is 60 minutes of physical activity each day but please do not stop there! The student in each class with the most amount of physical activity by the end of week 1 will earn a prize, as will the highest activity levels at the end of week 2.

Parents – Please e-mail or text me photos or videos of your child engaging in these PE activities and the ones they have created on their own throughout the next two weeks. I also ask that you send me photos of the Activity Log each Wednesday and Friday to ensure it is being filled out correctly and so that I can provide you and your child with any necessary feedback.

Please contact me at:  OR 1-365-803-1465

A message from Mme. Rawan 
The daily French lessons will be outlined and detailed in the daily blog posts.
The aim is to try to deliver them as close to our regular class lessons as possible. The learning goals will be shared daily along with the explanation and instructions in both English and French for everyone’s convenience. Pictures of what will need to be done by the students will be shared as examples, worksheets when necessary will be provided as well as answer keys. Parents may contact me via email and send pictures of their children’s work for feedback and may also request a phone conversation when needed.

A message from Ms. McMillan
I hope everyone had a wonderful March break with family. In the coming weeks as students continue learning at home, I am letting you know of some wonderful online music educational resources. is a wonderful resource that the students love as they can compose songs online. In addition, has wonderful musical games to practice note naming skills and suggestions for musical listening. I am happy to answer any questions you have by email at Musical activities will be listed on your child's daily classroom blog. I look forward to being in touch with you regarding musical educational activities to participate in at home in the next two weeks! 

With much love, 

Ms. Hughes and Ms. Coldwells 

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