

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Day 21

 International Day 
As part of being an IB school we encourage students to demonstrate ‘International Mindedness’. At St. Jude’s Academy and Oakwood Academy, we value the diversity of cultures and perspectives that exist in our local, national and global communities to enhance student learning. 

This year, St. Jude’s Academy and Oakwood Academy we will be having our fifth annual International Dayon Thursday, October 4th, 2018. This activity will involve JK – Gr. 6 classes and each class will be learning about one country. Students and teachers will inquire into the life and culture of citizens from that country. 

Parents are welcome to visit on this day and doors will be open from 2:30pm to 3:15pm. Classes will have their displays in their classrooms. 

Don’t forget to wear

A Beatles shirt
A English soccer team jersey 
Red and white 
A shirt with the England flag or Union Jack

Any other shirt that represents England! 󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

Inquiry into Language

Students listened to a story

Image result for just so thankful

They then worked on writing a recount using the important criteria set out for us


Today we played the sorting attributes game as a class. 

Then we completed sorting by 2 attributes activities in our math books, question 2 on page 97 is homework.




1. International Day Assignment overdue, International day Thurs.
2. Spelling test. 
3.No School Fri. or Mon. 
4. Raz Kids 
5. Spelling Paragraph Due Tues. 
6. Summative home yesterday - please do not do at home, materials to be sent no later than Tuesday 
7. Math homework pg 97 question 2

Inquiry into Citizenship
We are using this time to help us prepare for International day. Today we continued to share our research information that many of brought in. We looked at our pictures we brought in as well. We decorated and helped each other to remember facts.

Winter uniforms begin Tuesday, October 9th. Please ensure that all students have all of the pieces and that all pieces are worn on a daily basis(grey skirt/pants, navy blue socks, black dress shoes, long sleeve button up white dress shirt, navy blue sweater/sweater vest, tie [academic Monday-Thursday and house colour tie on Friday], and a blazer). Students will be required to wear all the pieces during morning announcements, field trips, and during transitions if going from one classroom to another. Please see Ms. Alpa for any uniform requests or inquirers. She can be reached via email - or via website - **The uniform store will be closed from Tuesday, October 2nd to Wednesday, October 17th.

1 comment:

  1. Happy world teachers day !!!!!
    Teachers make a world of difference.
    Thanks. Naz
