More registrations needed until we get a pizza party!!!!!
Inquiry into Language
Today students began doing their final run through of their speeches. Reminder the in class competition is on MONDAY.
Steps to be completed by January 31stand February 01st, 2019, (students will have a trial competition these days to see what final touches need to be worked on.)
o Step 7 – Grammar, pace, fluency, pronunciation, timing. What we will be looking for is:
o fluency of re-tell, is it easy to follow?
o is grammar used correctly?
o are you enunciating and using proper pronunciation during your re-tell?
o are you pacing yourself? Is your re-tell fluent, varied and not rushed?
o is your re-tell within the 3-5 minute time allowance?
Inquiry into Math
Today students worked on their shape and shape name recognition.
Agenda Music.
- work on speeches
A note regarding speeches – Due to our growing population at SJA, this year speeches will be split into two days. On Thursday, February 7th, JK-Grade 2 will recite their poems and stories and on Friday, February 8th, Grade 4-8 will recite their speeches.
- return library books - field trip form and payment
- RE-REGISTRATION packages due soon hand in ASAP to secure your spot in Grade 3! A note from Ms. Melissa regarding re-registration packages - Just a friendly reminder that re-registration packages are due no later than Monday, February 11. After this time, spots will be opened up to the public and your child will not be guaranteed a space for next year. We look forward to seeing you back for next year!
- Jump Rope for Heart - It is that time again! We will be participating in Jump Rope for Heart on Thursday, February 14th. Donation packages have been sent home. You can make a pledge using cash or you can donate on the website - - preferred method, extra prizes awarded. House points will be rewarded to each student who brings in donations. If we meet our school goal of $2500, students will be rewarded with a fun activity. Let’s see what we can do SJA!
- Book Fair – Ms. Hayward and her book fair crew have already begun discussing our book fair. It will be taking place during the week of February 4th to 8th.
Inquiry into Simple Machines
We talked about motion, force, gravity and friction. Here is Julia and Nina showing us friction
Today students began to learn about the 6 simple machines. Our first up is the pulley. Students watched a short video clip:
We then looked at pieces of a pulley and worked as a group to put it together
Afterwards we practiced our team building skills by making our own pulley using the materials provided.